Have you ever wondered why love ends up in a bad situation? Sure there are more reasons then just because of ordinary circumstances. There's much science involved believe it or not, it use to be typical for two people to fall in love, and grow old together. The answer is simple, times have changed ladies and gentleman. People and relationships now are much more different, and it will continue to change. People are unsure of how to handle situations, which leads to a bad situation of something called the broken heart. As you grow older you will encounter more situations that will just piss you off. The idea of love is still around, but are the people? Today's generation is all about instant gratification, as soon as the magic potion wears off, and he or she got what she wanted out of the relationship, it's moving on. Men are not sensitive creatures, it's plain and simple there are a few exception but it's much more rare to encounter those these days. This being said you should not expect men to be something they are not, expecting too much leads to disasters. Women are more fragile beings, treat them the wrong way, and your doomed. Plain and simple love is not definable to the selfish not knowing, to the satisfy my needs and hunger, and to the people caught in the maze with how a person appears. To save the idea of love do what the hell you think is right in your heart.
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