HELLO, so you want to blog? Okay I will tell you everything you need to know straight from JACKS HEART. If you are really interested in blogging bookmark this page so you have it as a reference. Also please pay attention to anything thats BOLDED.
Creating a blog is very simple indeed, being a web master today is not as difficult as it was let's say 5+ years ago. I would know because I happen to be a graphic designer. The first thing I should warn you about is coding, you will run into trouble spots every once in a while, yes it will be aggravating. But it becomes a lot of fun, just put in the time, and if you have questions post it here, or email me and I will be happy to help you. There are two types of coding you should know a little bit about, they are HTML, and JAVASCRIPT. Coding on the computer is almost comparable to learning a new language, all the coding is really a command. The next thing you need to know, if you want your blog to look a certain way you just find the code (command) you want, and put it in the correct place.
Okay now moving on to the good stuff. If you want a blog you have a few choices to where you can go. There are many blog websites out here, I suggest BLOGGER or WORDPRESS. I prefer blogger because it was more user friendly to me at the time I made this blog.
Now if your idea is to make some money through your blog, I commend you : ) Just know that it's not that easy, and starting off you will not make that much money. If you want to make money though here are some of the things that I am able to share with you. Pick an interest that perhaps you know a lot about, and stick to it. This is called a niche, you target specific interests based on your knowledge. Then after you have your ideas all together, you will need a host http://www.blogger.com for example. Create your account, and then the next thing you will need is a blog template. I should have templates specifically for blogger up, so go ahead and shoot over there with instructions on installation if you do not know.
After all this is up, you can tactically put ads onto your blog such as GOOGLE ADSENSE, and you get a payment based on how many visitors click the ads. So if you see any google ads on my blog send me a few clicks ^^ After your blog is up and running what many bloggers do is create BACKLINKS. What are backlinks? It's a way to get more traffic to your website, for example if you are a member of a forum you post your blog link into the forum, it has tons of exposure to it. See many people are able to go to that forum, and chances are somebody may click it. Now imagine if you have tons of backlinks everywhere on the internet, more people will go to your blog. So if you have more traffic going to your blog, perhaps more people will click on your ads, and you can get payed.
The next way to get payed off your blog is by making sponsored post, http://www.socialspark.com is a website that both BLOGGERS and ADVERTISERS both sign on to. Now advertisers simply are just looking for a way to get exposure, and that's where the bloggers come in, and get payed! Understand? Okay good well this is still a difficult process because there are many websites out there, and sometimes you have to wait for your blog to be a certain age like 3 months old. I suggest social spark because you do not have to be, just follow the instructions, and you will be okay. That's mainly called the monetization part of blogging, there is much more of an art to it, that you will eventually pick up. I am still learning a little bit, as I learn more I will share more. This is the information that led me to where I am at the moment. I hope that this was very informative and helpful to everyone wanting to start a BLOG