posted by JACKOFLOVE on Saturday, August 28, 2010 1 comments
We've all been through the hard breakups, the tears, and the waste of tissues. So why would you go through all of that again with the same person? People break up because they're not happy in that relationship or their partner did something to piss them off. Why would you go back to your ex? Sure, some people who do get back together end up having happy endings, but instead of that, they're entering back into a toxic relationship. They seem to go back because they feel like they can't be themselves with anyone else. Let me tell you something, you deserve something way better so don't settle for someone that hurt you before. Trust me on this. You may love them, but what if their feelings aren't the same as yours? Do you want to be in a relationship where it's one sided? Don't accept their "sorry I was confused" or their "I lost something important to me and I didn't realize it before it was too late" or the classic " I still love you". Go into a relationship with your whole heart and someone who accepts and gives you their love. Don't go with someone who will end up hurting you again and again. This doesn't mean that you have to hide your heart against people, you just have to be able to move on and find someone new. Wear that heart on your sleeve and get back out there. Take chances with your love! (Just not with the same person who hurt you) :D


posted by JACKOFLOVE on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 0 comments
All you need is water, and some time. Proven by recent studies, drinking 2 glasses of water before each meal daily will help reduce pounds significantly. Yes the answer is very simple, and easy to do. It's not the same old answer exercise, yet it's not a completely satisfying answer either. Although not enough people drink water every day, your body stores fat, and drinking plenty of water allows parts of your body like your liver to work correctly. Sometimes people do not have the time to go and exercise, or the motivation. 

This is a method that allows nature to help you out, drinking extra water while eating will help you feel full without actually eating a lot. Meanwhile eating less means you have less calories to burn later. A good recommendation is to drink 2 glasses of cold water a day, and then a couple more. Water has also been a proven method to help improve skin complexion in many ways such as acne, and tone. So go ahead drink your water, and live better.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments
please read the entire page carefully


OKOK what's the info on this contest?

Very simple who ever writes up to 3 articles, and whomever has the most votes, & comments is declared VICTORIOUS
  • You can be male or female of any age.
  • SUBMIT  up to 3 articles (each article must be a minimum or 400 words)  to my email The topics can be about love, romance, dating, how to do something, a guide, money, anything that gets your thoughts pumping.
  • POST the link into at least 2 profiles of yours ex. facebook. With link verifcation, the link must stay there without removal until the contest is finished. If the link is removed it will result in automatic disqualification. Another way to get disqualified is obvious comment spam. 
  • Contest summary will be updated once a week throughout the month.


  •  Write up to 3 different articles, it can be one but 3 increases your chances of winning, and each article must be a minimum of 400 words for it to be published, and qualified.
  • Post 2 live links anywhere you desire
  • Submit it to my email with title CONTEST ENTRY. Then the actual email with  your first, and last name, your 2 link posts, and then your articles.
  • I will return email as soon as I am able to with contest entry, and article add.


posted by JACKOFLOVE on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1 comments
Hello everybody, JACK here. I've been very busy with working with the new layout of the blog, I hope everyone likes it so far. There is much work to be done still, I thought that I would have been able to finish, but things got complicated unfortunately. My body is crashing, and I need to let both my body and computer rest for a little while. Hopefully I will have things up and running very soon, I have many fresh ideas to bring to all of you so please bare with me and continue to support your man jack <3 Majority of the hard work is completed so any moment things should be nice and hawt.


posted by JACKOFLOVE on Monday, August 23, 2010 0 comments
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
Hello everyone I have some good news for the future of my blog. I am now sponsored by SocialSpark the way it works is advertisers, and bloggers register onto the site. The entire process of signing up is very quick, simple, and not aggravating for impatient people who have tons of things to do in a short time period. They have many offers for bloggers to make some easy money, and I completely suggest SocialSpark. If you have your own blog you should really sign up, and create some opportunities for yourself, you can do so by clicking here Sign up for SocialSpark. At the very least you should visit the website, it's user interface system is very stylish,and  easy to navigate. To me the fun part begins when you get to post your view on SOCIALSPARK, this is really important because you are able to be as honest as you want, there is a code of ethics though that you should pay attention to, find more about that by clicking here Code of Ethics

After registration advertisers hand select some blogs they are interested in to do a sponsored post ( which I get payed to post ), since my blog is only officially 4 days old it's okay because according to GOOGLE ANAYLSIST I receive 100 hits daily. Which is incredible for any blog especially my own, I am really thankful for everyone who visits, and any future visitors. My BLOG is now seriously dating SOCIALSPARK.

Visit my sponsor: I Signed Up for SocialSpark!


posted by JACKOFLOVE on Sunday, August 22, 2010 0 comments
Have you ever wondered why love ends up in a bad situation? Sure there are more reasons then just because of ordinary circumstances. There's much science involved believe it or not, it use to be typical for two people to fall in love, and grow old together. The answer is simple, times have changed ladies and gentleman. People and relationships now are much more different, and it will continue to change. People are unsure of how to handle situations, which leads to a bad situation of something called the broken heart. As you grow older you will encounter more situations that will just piss you off. The idea of love is still around, but are the people? Today's generation is all about instant gratification, as soon as the magic potion wears off, and he or she got what she wanted out of the relationship, it's moving on. Men are not sensitive creatures, it's plain and simple there are a few exception but it's much more rare to encounter those these days. This being said you should not expect men to be something they are not, expecting too much leads to disasters. Women are more fragile beings, treat them the wrong way, and your doomed. Plain and simple love is not definable to the selfish not knowing, to the satisfy my needs and hunger, and to the people caught in the maze with how a person appears. To save the idea of love do what the hell you think is right in your heart.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments

If you have some old or valuable things you can sell it for cash to people on the internet at websites such as CRAIGSLIST, and EBAY. ( Items can list from anywhere to technology to sports equipment ) CRAIGSLIST is easier just be careful, and alert. You are also able to pawn stuff, but keep in mind most of the time you will never get what the price your asking for, and it may feel like your getting ripped off. So if you have some things you don't care about, and you can get rid of some space sure go ahead. There are other ways which are clothing stores that buy used named brand clothes, so anything old you don't want you can give that a try you just have to find the store. Some music stores offer a similar deal, if you have cd's and dvd's that are in good condition they will give you cash or store credit. 

Another possibility is where if you have a local flea market in your area, you can most likely rent a stand out for a day or weekend at a small price anywhere from $10-25.00 You just have to inquire on your own the details, and you can sell items that you have laying around at nice cheap prices. You can also look into a blood, and sperm bank this is completely up to you though. Another simple way is take part in certain tests and Q&A places you can read about in the newspaper that pay for your time, only sometimes you must meet specific requirements.You can also make a blog, which I will write articles later how to successfully do, although it's very time consuming, and the cash is not instant at all.Mostly you have to be resourceful, so learn, combine what you know with what you've learned, and possibilities are always there, you just have to look for them.


posted by JACKOFLOVE on Saturday, August 21, 2010 0 comments
So there's this thing called Alexa which deeply impacts the internet in ways many internet, and webmaster users are unaware of. To put it simply Alexa ranks internet websites by the number of people who visit with the ALEXA TOOLBAR INSTALLED. Many people use Alexa to gain a high rank amongst other websites in competition so more people who visit the site the better, right? There's much to be learned in the internet world today. Alexa has been a major ingredient in site monetization tactics and strategies which is entirely the purpose of today's blogging, and websites.

As you can see the traffic rank on the right side of this website should currently say no data which will take 3 months to compile traffic tracking, even though a few people have visited this website already is besides the point. The only points that matter are Alexa points, and the more you have the better. One of the ways you can continue to support JACKOFLOVE'S blog is to start using Alexa, and write reviews is very simple. You just click here ALEXA TOOLBAR then presto you are able to see what websites are doing what, it's actually a very impressive thing. Thank you for your time, support, and stopping by.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments
Should men be romantic or not?

It's always in the best interest for a man to be romantic with whom he desires. Women simply love the idea of romance, if they want to see a romantic movie with you, your first answer without hesitation must be yes. If you are unable to do that, you will not successfully be a romantic type of guy, which is okay we don't want you to be something your not. There are many ways you can share your romantic side with the lady you desire. 
The best advice anyone can give to you is to think of it on your own because it shows your creative side, how much you want her. Everything in this category becomes completely circumstantial, you will feel excited though once your plans become successful, and you see how happy you made her. You should be very resourceful, considerate, and just try to be a bit intuitive. Being romantic does not make you sensitive, it just shows a sensitive, and affectionate side which is okay, you do not have to spend lots of money, in fact it's much better to spend the least amount of money possible. Not all the time though so please keep that in consideration, this will take a good amount of time for your romance project to take off. Which is okay, men are suppose to work for what they want anyway.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments
Do you like what you've been reading along on the blog so far? Well take some time and explore if you have not already, and if you like what you see you can easily support me so I know this isn't a waste of time, and I am in some way impacting people. All you have to do is subscribe to me on the upper right hand side type in your email and click SUBSCRIBE. Presto there you go ^^ then one last step you just accept the subscription in your email you listed, and you are able to comment, and become a great friend.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments
Ever wonder where all the perfect men are hiding?
First things first, there is no such thing as a perfect person, yet there are many people out there that come close to that category. Sometimes it can be difficult to describe that perfect guy, but you know who he is when you see him, and he's the man you want to live the rest of your life with (maybe). Simply you must increase your chances of meeting your ideal man by going to good places where you will not find just another regular male, and sometimes all you need is first contact to make the sparks explode. You should always try to be the best that you can be in every category, I am not saying you have to look like a model, but just appealing so when you see a man you could be interested in, he will smile and instantly think about you. Just because a man is looking super good does not mean he's the man for you, it's up to you to have good judgement because many men are players, and only want one thing as quickly as they can have it. So after you have contact with a good possibility, try to get to know him as much as you can, and if he is still meeting your standards then you can perhaps give him a chance. Also you have to meet his criteria as well if he's serious and not just wanting a one night stand, only time will tell and the rest is up to you.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments

Many people do not know how to cook, so this is some basic instructions to get you going. Pasta is mainly made up of noodles ( there are many different types of noodles you can use ), and the sauce.

What you will need.
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Pot
  • Pan
  • Strainer
  • Can opener
  • Large spoon to cook with
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • 2 Cans of diced tomatoes
  • Penne noodles
  • ( Boneless Chicken your choice )
  • ( Any other ingredients you want to add such as basil, etc. )
Italian bread ( this is a must for all pasta )

The instructions 
  • Cut the onions and garlic nice and small.
  • Also the chicken if you decided to use it.

Boil the water, and add salt.Wait for the water to boil during this time period you cook the chicken. While the chicken is almost done you add the onions and garlic into the pan, then you add a little bit of Olive Oil not to much because you do not want it to be to oily. Then you add the diced tomatos ( after you drained them out of course ) Around the time period the chicken should have been done, the water should have been boiled where you add the penne noodles into the boiling water, and stir. This is how you simulatenously get things done, so the meal takes less time to cook. As you progress your cooking skills you will become a quick cook. Afterwards you just drain the noodles, and add the sauce you just made together. There you go ^^

In case you've never cooked chicken before you can tell the chicken is done when all the water has been evaporated, and the chicken is light brown, you can also taste test until you like it.


posted by JACKOFLOVE on Friday, August 20, 2010 0 comments
This right here is for the guys that are unable to tell whether or not a women is into you or is not, very simple. Let's start with if she's not interested in you, she will give you looks such as why is he here, and when is he leaving? She will most often try to ignore you, and do whatever it takes to get you away. On the other hand if she's nice about it she will politely brush you off which may confuse you but if you persist she will start to get annoyed and shut off all communications with you. Take her suggestions, and don't become that stalker guy, if you get the vibe she dislikes you, its most likely so.If you are still unsure, you can always ask if she's interested in you.
If she is interested in you she will always be around you in some way or form. She will smile at your sight, which will make her blush, and do something fiddlish. She tries her best to have contact with you, as much as possible. She may playfully touch and flirt with you, and talk about you to her friends so often her friends suddenly know who you are. Although there are many different types women, and they do all act differently so you must put that into consideration.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 2 comments
Yep we've all taken a trip to angry land, every person has their own thing that pisses them off, for some it's impatience that leads us there. An ex, or simply not getting what we want when we want or what we deserve. Whether we like it or not we will become angry again sooner or later, but the more often it happens it's worse. It causes stress, anxiety, depression, and most often regrets due to bad decision making, because we do not correctly process information under emotional stress. There is a self cure for this, it's called remaining calm. It sounds so simple, and is through nice calm breathing exercises which actually is meditation, yet it difficult to some. When we are able to stay nice and relaxed through any mood, or situation you react at your best ability. No you do not have to close your eyes to meditate, just make sure you are breathing deep breaths in and out, you should try it, until you get good at it. The least you can do is teach your significant other this technique, so when your partner is good at this, you can easily have a good break up without having to worry about much.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments
The ever popular METRO STYLE 
Many stylish guys dress like this, and no it's not homosexual at all. Many girls dig a guy with style and sophistication. Although this style may seem expensive, I will explain how you can make it work. You do not have to go out and spend a large amount of money, you can pick things up as you go along which is what many guys do. The first few stores are EXPRESS . H&M . FOREVER 21 FOR MEN that offer this type of style. The trick is to dress up while you dress down, while adding a few blazers to your wardrobe. It doesn't have to be expensive, you can even find really good buys at vintage, and thrift stores. You just have to know how to shop well. Don't be afraid to ask that nice attractive young lady working at the store for advice that's what they are working for. If her attention towards you seems genuine, go with the flow, she may not be flirting with you. As you go along you find things, and put it into your own style such as jeans with a button down shirt, blazer, depending on the weather, or a polo. Maybe a nice pair of sunglasses for good weather, perhaps a necklace or watch, now something that is a bit off  is layers of accessories for men. In the winter you can add a scarf, etc though, create the guy you want to be. If you think that this may not be for you, well then maybe it's not, but the basic blue jean, dress shirt/polo will always be in it's simple and you will still appear sharp.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments

Because we are human we experience emotions such as sadness, and loneliness, which can lead to depression. There are many causes for such things, the best thing to do in these situations are to prevent them before they happen. Although we can never predict what happens to us at any given moment because life is such a surprise, but sometimes we can prevent things that we know are inevitable. For the times that life gives us misery, it's important that you are able to recognize what you are feeling because if you are unable to you will be in such bad shape.

There is an ability you must acquire if you have not already, this ability is to become happy. There are many different ways to accomplish this, the easiest are to keep yourself occupied with things that you enjoy doing., while trying to balance out different types of lifes happiness that brings you pleasure. Keeping a positive attitude is also very important, being negative will only bring more misery, and negativity around. There's quite a strange saying which is likliness of one brings another. Mastering your own ability to bring happiness into your life, depends entirely upon yourself. You are the painter, paint your master piece.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments
The Code: There are unspoken rules that males, and females created in groups amongst friends that they should not do to each other. Unfortunately many people today do whatever it takes to get what they desire, even if it means lying to your friend, being a backstabber, etc you get the image. The whole idea is why should you be friends with someone who will betray you, or is not there in time of  help, when you have proven loyalty to them? If you have a sibling ( even if you don't, pretend for a moment you do ) would you back stab your brother or sister? Most likely no, even though it's normal for siblings to fight. So why would your so called close friends be sell outs? Perhaps they are not good friends, only time, and events will be able to tell if they are good to you or not. The best thing to know in this situation is make your friends aware that there is a code that if they cross, you guys are vineto. Unless you are a forgiving person, or like to give people second chances. It's entirely up to you, but those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments
Have you ever wondered why the bad guy gets the girl you like? You know the bad guy, the male who gets the girls you want, and treats her badly meanwhile the girl continuously puts up with it? There are many reasons why this happens. The first reason is because the bad guy will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, typically these are the guys that have something important which is confidence in themselves, and what they are doing, even if it is very stupid. It's something you both admire, hate, it may even make you end up hating the girl. Females like confidence in guys, another great reason is because the girl is immature, insecure, and has no idea what she wants in life, so she ends up with an idiot who will not only cheat on her, but even beat her repeatedly. If you see a girl you like with someone such as that it's a good idea to stay away from her no matter how much you like her. This girl is only a waste of time, a tease, and will only put you in drama that your life does not need. If you really are a nice guy, you don't have to be a cup cake baking sweet heart, but just a good dude. Stay that way, there are plenty of girls that are looking for you, you just have to wait.

Anything good in life is worth waiting for, and to find a partner like that is definitely worth waiting for. Also many girls that are young just want to have fun, party ( while they ruin reputations ), and actually they just don't have any life experience to know any better. Although a good research study has stated that many women just never really had a good male figure in their life so they learn the hard way, just as the naive ones will.  Final words, don't be another person to be with someone, if you cannot be comfortable with who you are while your around the girl you like she's of no worth to you.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be with that beautiful lady? Imagine that you could hook up with that sexy woman. It's all possible in one way or another, most women do have standards of what they want in at least a date. Follow these quick guidelines and watch your dreams become reality.  This is the info that you need to get the lady that you want, and most men want, I speak no lies gentlemen. Any normal lady that you want is going to want this from you, and it's honestly not that much hard work either.

You to be healthy, and dressed nicely
Not many woman like smokers, so try to hide this for a little while if you are, at least until this subject is brought into conversation. If you exercise, and have a good body, nothing spectacular just something for them to think about, just like guys love to look at a woman's body, it's also the same.  They also like to secretly find ways to touch to see if you have any muscles, and if you do the fun never stops. Being well groomed is important, you would not believe how much this is a turn on for women. Make sure your hair is cut good, and you are dressed almost to impress, at least be fresh most of the time it does indeed help. I list this as most important because believe it or not, looks do play a role. You don't have to be all GQ but being fresh is a must. ( Cologne is a must ) Always smell, look, and feel good !!

Something to offer
I am not talking about money, I am talking about anything as far as a genuine conversation. Being able to hold a conversation is must, mixing in intelligence, and humor. While you are adding in other potions, you must have confidence as a major ingredient. Any lady loves it when a guy is in charge, so waiting around thinking that lady will ask you for your number, or for a date will rarely happen. So step up to the plate gentlemen and you may have dessert.

Clingy & Caring
Women do not like men being clingy at all period. Would you like it if someone called you non stop, and just would not leave you the hell alone? Don't be one of those guys it's a mistake in the game. Do your part, if the girl wants you she will let you know, take it from there. On the other side of the wall women do like when you are thinking and caring about them, but do not get this confused with clingy most men do.

The Chase

This is the last part you should know, it's the most challenging part which is the best part. It's really all about how you make each other feel, some are straight forward. While others play hard to get, this can get complicated while lots of mixed signals are thrown into the field. Just play your position, if the chase fails. Move on, and do not cry about it, men are not suppose to cry.


posted by JACKOFLOVE 0 comments
Ever wanted to know how to do things that make money? Scared money don't make money. That's the first thing you should know. We all know you need some sort of knowledge to do something, this is the place for that knowledge, not just for money. Just to know, we all desire to know. Without this drive we are useless. Have you ever heard of Jack Of all Trades, it's an old school saying someone good at everything, i've picked up at a young age. It's wise to know at least a little of everything compared to nothing at all. You can already imagine if you know more of something you are able to do more. Don't you want success in all fields of life? I'm here to share some of the knowledge that I have learned.

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